Sunday, May 25, 2014


Happy Birthday Mr. Bill Bojangles Robinson  !!!! 
          Thank you for putting tap... on the map !

One of most important birthdays to me, is that of Bill Bojangles
Robinson and International Tapdance Day (not a coincidence)

Below are a few photos of the people that inspired me when I was a kid.  All of this magnificent talent I was so lucky enough to grow up watching.  
Even though it took me 52 years to realize, this is what I want to start doing, it was worth the wait.  Putting the steps to the music you love is just pure joy !!  I encourage anyone who has wanted to do any kind of dance but were afraid to, just do it !! It is worth it, it doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you are having fun, the
rewards are endless.... Dance on !!

Bill Bojangles Robinson 
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
Donald O'Connor
Bill Bojangles and Shirley Temple

Jeni Legon and Bill Bojangles
The Nicholas Brothers 
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Ann Miller
Gene Kelly
Bob Hope and James Cagney

1 comment:

  1. what do you call the move where you jump up and bring your feet together?
