Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tap Improv... Diving in the Deep End!

Ok, so its been awhile, alot has happened in the last few months. Our Heart and Sole group has performed in various venues, the PNE Exhibition in the summer where we did about 5 numbers, Chinese Days, also in the summer ( that was a hot one !) We performed in a parking lot behind a Drug Store for one of the many 125 year celebrations in Vancouver this one for Vancouver Sunrise area.. the stage was the size of a Postage stamp and a couple of times I thought I was going over !

My favorite though was in late September in the neighbourhood I live in, Strathcona. It was This Is Strathcona, another 125 year celebration of cultural history history in our area. It was a dark and stormy day, pouring rain, so windy, we had to stand against the stage tent covering to keep it from blowing over... the sound system went out several times while performing (we still kept time !) and our feet were wet, they almost shut it down because they thought we might get electrocuted ! They told us that after the fact.
All of these are great experiences for us, as it teaches us to just keep on dancing and keep smiling, and we had so much fun up there, it is a great group.

This year, a few of the "older" members of our choreography group took the leap, and decided to take Danny Nielsen's beginner Improv class. 

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Improv is when you are given the music, and taught to keep time to rhythm and melody by knowing counts, beats, bars, all sorts of things, and make up your own steps.

We had done some improv in the past, but we were always terrified of it, especially us older dancers. You see, we have developed over the years layers of experience, good and bad, of being embarassed or even some of us have had some humiliating things happen, so taking Improv can be quite daunting in the beginning.

What has happened is, Danny has created a safe-zone. We are all there to learn, there is no "BAD" way, as long as you learn the count, timing etc. At first we were a little squeamish, especially since there were a few of the younger more experienced dancers in the class. They have been so helpful and generous in very gently helping us along, I thank them for their patience and guidance.

Now Improv is my favorite class, I find keeping it simple works better for me right now, I want to get the rhythm down, and really learn to listen to the music. 

Before it was all about just learning the steps, now, its taking the music, and breaking it down and adding your own mix, I am lovin' it, thank you Danny !!

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