Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pigeon-Toed and Bow-legged... Oi vay!

You'll have to excuse how I write these things, I just throw them down when they come into my head, and sometimes it is a bit A.D.D. ish !

I have found that after dancing alot, one of the benefits is, I cannot gain weight for the life of me. Most of the time I come home from tap, I usually have to peel my clothes off, I am sweating so much. So, the weight stays off no matter what I eat.

However, I have found that my body has changed slightly... Or so I think it has. Shelley, our very talented choreographer for Heart and Sole, is very good at pinpointing people's personal habits in dance, good, and... not so good.

For example, one day she kept saying, you have to turn your feet out, "Plié!" she says. My right foot tends to turn in a bit, so, it is habit for me. So, that day, she came over and said, "Stand straight... Push your feet flat to the floor." I did, and she said, " You're a bit bow-legged, aren't you?" Well, I didn't know that, you would think I would've. Then she mentioned my foot turning in again, and I said, "Well, this is great. Dance has changed my body." Little did I know that I was bow-legged AND pigeon-toed, an attractive combination in dance!!

Funny thing is, I never take it personally, its just an observation.. something happened with my body, after all the dancing, that changed my shape, so now, I am standing very straight, with my legs closed and my feet apart.

All I need now is a tutu!
Thank you Shelley! I appreciate all of your critique, and will try to apply!

1 comment:

  1. I guess a dance teacher has a keener eye than a partner, but I have never thought of you as bowlegged or pigeon toed. I grew up pigeon toed and had to have corrective shoes when I was young. I know I tend to be pigeon toed but you, Richard... Never... and no matter what your teacher says, on the dance floor and off, which ever way your legs go or however you plant your feet, you are dead sexy! xoxo
